Boat image
Mud image
Pierce image
Curiosity image

Samantha Skidmore
Artist Statement

What’s your favourite medium to work with?

I have a fondness for drawing with ink; the dark colours of the pigments and the way it flows on different materials. There is an unforgiving permanence to ink, it shows every sweet line and forces acceptance of that permanence. My first love was oil painting but it has been many years. Recently I have been exploring acrylic painting.

Why do you do it?

Art helps me understand the life we all live; the ups and downs of the moments we all live through. As an artist I have found many opportunities to practice creativity… in gardening, sewing, photography, home decor and renovation, merchandising, and accessibility devices. I am excited to keep exploring and creating.

Did you study anywhere or self taught?

Life's journey has been my mentor; so the answer is self taught… everything and everyone I have met along the way is a part of my art.

When did you know you wanted to be an artist?

The first time I understood this enjoyment of creativity I was making a matchbox cart to attach to a beetle. Designing and building my matchbox cart, attaching it to a beetle to carry a weight, and seeing it work was thrilling. To this day I cannot remember whose beetle won the race, but I feel that enthusiasm any time I create. Countless opportunities to create have come my way: my family, my work, and my art.

Who are your favourite artists?

M.C. Escher and Frank Lloyd Wright My favourite books to read are Watership Down by Richard Adams and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (especially the audiobooks).

What is the Significance of your studio name, Solute Art Studio?

A solute is one minor component that when combined with others provides us with a solution. My art is one part of my life journey; through it, I hope to experience and share the fullness of life. Please find in my art one minor component that brings you comfort, strength, understanding, and peace.

Who or what else inspires you?

I am inspired by the interactions I have with others… Sometimes it is a cat visiting my garden and sometimes someone I meet.

How have you evolved over the years?

If I am curious about something I explore it and this has led to my artistic evolution. Keeping true to my own style I have created art for my home and for my children. I began with plasticine, oil paints, charcoal and pastels, fabrics, thread and glue, moved to plants and then ink. Recently I have tried clay and pencil drawing. I am scared of water paints. The want to share my art widely is new for me. I am sure this will lead to more exciting events

What are you listening to at the moment?

I love music that makes my body move. One day I could be listening to hip hop, the next techno, the next folk, my music preferences are very far and wide ranging.

Are you reading or watching anything right now?

I am avoiding reading and watching any media at the moment. Maybe I am becoming a hermit (not possible).

What is your greatest achievement?

My family and our home has alway, and will always be my most wonderful creative endeavour and achievement.

One thing you would like to achieve this year?

I would like to share my artist self with the world, to see where this want to do art leads me.

Boat image
Mud image
Pierce image


London Ontario based artist Samantha Williams Skidmore was born in East London, South Africa. After moving to Canada as a child, Samantha went on to study Interior Design in Thunder Bay Ontario; and later Personal Support Worker and Medical Administration and Optical Assistant in London, Ontario. Always a creative and lively person Samantha explored life as a home daycare provider and a personal assistant, a floral and kitchen designer, optometric assistant and an avid gardener . Samantha mainly works with India ink (pigment ink) on quality art papers and acrylic paint on canvas. The artist consistently produces work centred around encounters experienced during her everyday life. She has a healthy obsession with coffee, wine and chocolate, and can frequently be found gardening or mogging about. Samantha’s drawings and paintings have always been part of her private life. In 2024 she began to share her talent with the world.

Artist selfie